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    1. Huxley и его чтения
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    2. Who is "F. M. "? (Кто такой "Ф. М. "?)
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    3. To the editor of "The Daily News" (Sir, — A telegram which appeared...) - Издателю "The Daily News" (Сэр, в телеграмме, напечатанной...)
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    1. Huxley и его чтения
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    Часть текста: небольшие трактаты, чтения и пр., назначенные для обобщения научных понятий, которые были бы очень полезны для русских читателей. Мы обращаем внимание переводчиков на теперь изданные шесть лекций Них1еу'я, «О нашем знании о причинах органических явлений». Редко в Англии слышится более здоровый и простой язык. Вот заглавие: «A course of six lectures to working-men by Pr. Huxley on our Knowledge of the Causes of the phenomena of Organic Nature». Примечания Печатается по тексту К, л. 155 от 1 февраля 1863 г., стр. 1293, где опубликовано впервые, в отделе «Смесь», без подписи. Автограф неизвестен. Авторство Герцена определяется редакционным характером заметки («Нам часто повторяют в письмах») и ее тематикой. Начиная со статьи «Западные книги» (см. т. XIII наст. изд.), именно Герцен на страницах «Колокола» знакомил русского читателя с новыми изданиями, выходящими на Западе, преимущественно с книгами исторического и естественнонаучного характера (см. статью «Религиозное значение „СПб. ведомостей"» — т. XIV наст. изд., стр. 283; а также комментарий к статье «Франко-русский союз» — наст. том, стр. 347). В издании М. К. Лемке отнесено к разряду Dubia (Л  XVI, 35). ... хорошо было бы указывать на книги ~ Мы это иногда и делали.  — Так, например, в статье «Религиозное значение „СПб. ведомостей"» (см. т. XIV наст. изд.) Герцен рекомендовал русскому читателю «Историю цивилизации в Англии» Г. Т. Бокля, «О соотношении физических сил» У. Р. Грове, «Происхождение видов путем естественного отбора Ч. Дарвина и другие книги. В заметке «Уравнение прав...
    2. Who is "F. M. "? (Кто такой "Ф. М. "?)
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    Часть текста: his accuser continues to conceal himself behind initials which possibly may not be his own. We consign to the English public the care of judging of the delicacy of such a course. To draw up in set terms, against a person detained on a political charge, an accusation so grave as that of being the agent of a despotic Government, without having conclusive proofs to proceed upon, is to place one's self in the position of a public and gratuitous defamer. We know Bakunin; we are proud of being his friends, and we speak from a knowledge of circumstances; whereas «F. M.» endeavours to excite a feeling against him at the risk of rendering his position worse. He says that the accomplices of Bakunin at Dresden have been put to death; while he, who was taken with arms in his hand, still lives. It is not true that Bakunin was taken with arms in his hand. Ho was arrested 12 miles from Dresden. The Prussians, who shot the combatants, only ruled at Dresden for three days. Bakunin did not appear before the Prussian military tribunal, but before the Saxon tribunals, which have not executed any one of his accomplices. «But why has not Russia applied the knout to Bakunin?» «F. M.» asks himself, who does not know that the Russian nobles are exempted from corporal punishment. And what has been the crime of Bakunin against Russia? His acts in Saxony and Austria are not, and cannot be, incriminated in Russia. When individuals have the rooted ideas which «F. M.» entertains, it is ...
    3. To the editor of "The Daily News" (Sir, — A telegram which appeared...) - Издателю "The Daily News" (Сэр, в телеграмме, напечатанной...)
    Входимость: 1. Размер: 10кб.
    Часть текста: by telegraph the account of the massacres at Warsaw. We quote from the article referred to: Our fête was sombre, sinister: we have known few days more heavy, when the mind has been more painfully oppressed by conflicting sentiments; never before did lampions hang so close to tears. The time is still far distant when a Russian may hold a fête for any event whatever in gaiety of heart, with no sad thought behind, with no anxious care. We had grown young again at the great news of the emancipation of the peasants; we looked forward with hope and anticipated with emotion our proposed meeting, prepared to drink, for the first time in our lives, the health of the emperor Alexander II, liberator of the peasants. We knew perfectly well to what obloquy we should expose ourselves by this act on the part of a narrow-minded political puritanism and mean jealousies. But we also knew that this toast, pronounced by us at our table, would have an echo in the heart of the emperor Alexander, very different from that of an enthusiasm...