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    Cлово "BETWEEN"

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    1. Russian serfdom (Русское крепостничество)
    Входимость: 7. Размер: 61кб.
    2. To the editor of "The Daily News" (Sir, — A telegram which appeared...) - Издателю "The Daily News" (Сэр, в телеграмме, напечатанной...)
    Входимость: 2. Размер: 10кб.
    3. Менцин Ю. Л.: Дилетанты, революционеры и ученые
    Входимость: 1. Размер: 54кб.
    4. Герцен А. И. - Пирсону Ч. Г., 31 (19) октября 1861 г.
    Входимость: 1. Размер: 7кб.
    5. To the editor of "The Times" (Издателю "The Times")
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    1. Russian serfdom (Русское крепостничество)
    Входимость: 7. Размер: 61кб.
    Часть текста: importance. Indeed, the whole Russian Question, for the present at least, may be said to be included in that of serfdom. Russia cannot make a step in advance until she has abolished slavery. The serfdom of the Russian peasant is the servitude of the Russian empire. The political and social existence of Western Europe formerly was concentrated in châteaux and in cities. It was essentially an aristocratic, or municipal existence. The peasant remained outside of the movement. The revolution took little thought of him. The sale of national property had no effect upon his condition, except to create a limited provincial bourgeoisie. The serf knew well enough that the land did not belong to him: he only looked for a personal and negative emancipation: an emancipation of the labourer. In Russia the reverse is the case. The original organization of that agricultural and communistic people was essentially democratic. There were no châteaux, very few towns, and those few nothing but large villages. No distinction existed between the peasant and the citizen. The rural commune, as it still exists, is the exact image of the great communes of Novgorod, Pskow, Kiev. Moscovite centralization, indeed, destroyed the autonomy of the towns: but the humble word commune preserved its self-government, its trial by jury, its justices of the...
    2. To the editor of "The Daily News" (Sir, — A telegram which appeared...) - Издателю "The Daily News" (Сэр, в телеграмме, напечатанной...)
    Входимость: 2. Размер: 10кб.
    Часть текста: on the morning of that day arrived by telegraph the account of the massacres at Warsaw. We quote from the article referred to: Our fête was sombre, sinister: we have known few days more heavy, when the mind has been more painfully oppressed by conflicting sentiments; never before did lampions hang so close to tears. The time is still far distant when a Russian may hold a fête for any event whatever in gaiety of heart, with no sad thought behind, with no anxious care. We had grown young again at the great news of the emancipation of the peasants; we looked forward with hope and anticipated with emotion our proposed meeting, prepared to drink, for the first time in our lives, the health of the emperor Alexander II, liberator of the peasants. We knew perfectly well to what obloquy we should expose ourselves by this act on the part of a narrow-minded political puritanism and mean jealousies. But we also knew that this toast, pronounced by us at our table, would have an echo in the heart of the emperor Alexander, very different from that of an enthusiasm under censure of the gendarmes and warmed by the police. But our...
    3. Менцин Ю. Л.: Дилетанты, революционеры и ученые
    Входимость: 1. Размер: 54кб.
    Часть текста: И. Герцен "Дилетантизм в науке"   Летом 1833 г. Александр Иванович Герцен (1812 - 1870) завершил четырехлетний курс обучения в Московском университете. Решением Совета Университета Герцен на основании Положения о производстве в ученые степени и "за отличные успехи и поведение" 30 июня 1833 г. (Все даты в статье приводятся по старому стилю) был утвержден кандидатом Отделения физико-математических наук [1]. Ему также была присуждена серебряная медаль за диссертацию "Аналитическое изложение солнечной системы Коперника". Перед молодым выпускником открывался путь к успешной научной карьере, однако судьба Герцена сложилась иначе. Через год после окончания университета его арестовали за участие в "тайном обществе" и после 9-месячного тюремного заключения отправили в ссылку, продлившуюся в общей сложности до 1842 г. 1 После возвращения из ссылки в Москву Герцен возобновляет начатое в студенческие годы изучение теоретических основ, методологии и современных достижений естествознания. Он штудирует труды зарубежных и отечественных ученых по физике, химии, зоологии и физиологии, посещает...
    4. Герцен А. И. - Пирсону Ч. Г., 31 (19) октября 1861 г.
    Входимость: 1. Размер: 7кб.
    Часть текста: fait d’accord. Il me semble (× première croix) que le gouvernement va en arrière maintenant. Le droit du paysan à la terre cultivée par lui est incontestable — en cela je pense que nous différerons beaucoup. N’oubliez pas que nous acceptons la commune avec les champs en commun — comme une nouvelle phase de propriété et non comme une transition. Je cède la plume à Ogareff, qui veut aussi vous communiquer quelques observations. Encore un mot. Les étudiants (× ×) des paysans peuvent être nourris et habillés aux frais du gouvernement — mais cela n’est pas général. Les étudiants aux frais de la couronne peuvent appartenir également aux classes aristocratiques, au clergé. Рукой H.   П. Огарева: And I take the реn for a few words on the NB 2: I consider — not as a socialist, but simply as a Russian, the system of dividing the fields between the members of the commune, as a transitory state to a communal cultivation of all the ground and sharing the profits, as it is used among our people in all other branches of industry (as carpenters, bricklayers etc.) where the workmen go to work in companies, called artel , and share the profits of the work among the members of the artel almost equally. I think the future of our husbandry is the cultivation of the ground by artels ; the spirit of the peasantry-life is inclining towards this issue of the question. I will remember you also two interesting facts of the present days: 1. The peasants till now refuse to change the corvée for the payment of rent, saying, that if they acknowledge the right of rent, they will acknowledge the right of landed property of the lords; and as they do not acknowledge this right they rather will work at the corvée than pay any rent. 2. They do not subscribe any act or contract ...
    5. To the editor of "The Times" (Издателю "The Times")
    Входимость: 1. Размер: 12кб.
    Часть текста: We hope you will not refuse to insert in your esteemed columns a few words in behalf of the Russian youths imprisoned in St. -Petersburg, Cronstadt, and Moscow, for an attempt to present an address to the emperor Alexander II, asking him to discontinue his persecutions of instruction in Russia. We are, indeed, quite edified by the tender friendship between Mr. George Williams (of King's College, Cambridge) and admiral Putiatin; but when friendship becomes a passion it may dim the mind as well as love or ambition. Mr. G. Williams, in the letter inserted in your esteemed journal (November 15), tries to smooth the bad impression produced on public opinion by your very truthful and beautiful correspondence concerning the Russian Universities. He says,—«The two main grievances, of which the students, had to complain at the outset were the abolition of their uniforms, and the imposition of certain tuition fees». The first assertion proves that Mr. Williams did not attentively read your correspondence; the second, that he does not understand the state of things in Russia, in spite of his having travelled in that country. The uniforms were worn by order of the government, and. during the reign of Nicholas the rules regarding them were so stringent that the uniform was for the students rather a subject of hatred than of love. Certainly, they did not much trouble themselves about the abolition of it, though they knew that in the present time it was abolished in order to excuse any aggression of the police against the students, who had the right to claim the protection of the authorities of the University. The tuition fees, however small they may seem to Mr. Williams, are too heavy for poor men in Russia; and, as the instruction in our country was a gratuitous one ever since the establishment of colleges — as the government maintains them with the State's revenues — it had no right at all to withdraw the sums destined...